6 September 2017

"You should’ve asked" or the mental overload, by Emma (la charge mentale)

Excellent. Trop bien vu.
The "invisible" jobs..
"You didn't do the dishes?" - "Well, you didn't ask me...."

You should've asked_001

You should've asked_002 You should've asked_003You should've asked_004

 You should've asked_005You should've asked_006You should've asked_007  You should've asked_008You should've asked_009You should've asked_010  You should've asked_011You should've asked_012 ...

  The rest in English here, scrolling down the page (20 May 2017 post) : https://english.emmaclit.com/

 As well on facebook where an annoyed Emma expressed how the buzz around her drawings commented everywhere in the media in france and elsewhere, ended up with advice to women on how to deal with the problem!.. (best one was to stop and start singing, in a Snow White sort of way!!.. Sure that will sort everything!...) 
Nothing about what society, and men in particular, could do to alleviate the issue!
Typical. https://www.facebook.com/pg/EmmaFnc/photos/?tab=album&album_id=494505934218956
