16 September 2020

A mother of teens ' blues

Offsping 1 wants another tablet, and a new keyboard and mouse (those he's got are not good enough), and possibly upgrade his computer next year..

One has discovered clothes and make up and keeps buying herself  cheap clothes and cheap products with her pocket money.. Cheap food too, in awful no recyclable packaging...

 The other  is gadget addict and got himself several Alexas, big new speakers, wants a new camper van and a cross trainer...

What to do when one tries to do her best to live frugally, usefully, without any excessive consumption, for the good of the planet?

Fighting is exhausting and seems no use. Explaining, reasoning doesn't seem to get more results. Darker forces are at play, human nature, clever marketing, perceived needs.

Extinction by Attenborough on the TV last week. That was dire. We're heading towards disaster at full speed, and most keep their head firmly in the sand.

Do your own bit. Yes, but how when even in one's own  household the battle seems lost?

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