31 January 2013

Immigration - campaign 'negative'

Une truc que j'ai lu dans le Guardian ce matin: Putting people off coming to Britain: your pictures

Ok, ca a l'air moche. Mais le journal explique le pourquoi du comment: "With government ministers reportedly considering a negative ad campaign to deter potential immigrants from coming to the UK, we asked you for your tongue-in-cheek suggestions for what aspects of Britain should be included in the campaign. The weather, our transport network, and our politicians were all popular suggestions - here's the best of your posters"

A prendre au second degre, clairement. Mais rigolo. Enfin je trouve.
Alors ca donne ca:

come here ou ca: restrictions-apply ou ca: summertime-living  ou encore ca: miami-UK ou ca: britain-full

et finalement celle-la: grey-britain

Les anglais ont de l'humour! Take your pick.....

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